1) Hang Snatch: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 1@85%, 1@85%, 1@85%, 1@85%
2) Back Squat: 5@50%, 3@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 2@85%, 2@85%
3) Snatch Balance: 5@50%, 3@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 2@85%, 2@85%
1) Pause Snatches (3sec at knee): 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@90%, 2@95%, 2@95%+
2) Snatch High-Pulls: 5%50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%, 3@90%+
3) Overhead Squats: 5%50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%, 3@90%+
1) Pause Cleans (3sec at knee): 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@90%, 2@95%, 2@95%+
2) Split Jerk: 5%50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%, 3@90%+
3) Front Squats: 5%50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@90%, 3@90%+
1) Clean and Jerk + Hang Clean and Jerk: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75%
2) Power Clean + Hang Power Clean: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75%
3) Split Jerk: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@0%, 3@70%
4) Clean High Pulls: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@0%, 3@70%
1) Snatch + Hang Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75%
2) Power Snatch + Hang Power Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75%
3) Snatch Balance: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@0%, 3@70%
4) Snatch High Pulls: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@0%, 3@70%
1) 2 x Pause Snatch (3sec pause at knee): 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 90%, 90%
2) 2 x Back Squat + 1 x Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Jerk: 50%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%, 85%
3) Snatch Grip Deadlift: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@85%, 3@85%
1) 2 x Pause Clean (3sec pause at knee): 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 90%, 90%
2) Front Squat + Jerk: 50%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 85%, 85%
3) Bent Over Row: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%, 3@85%, 3@85%
1) 2 x Clean and Jerk: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%
2) Front Squat: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%, 3@75%
3) Behind the Neck Clean Grip Push Press: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%, 3@75%
1) 2 x Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%
2) Back Squat: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%, 3@75%
3) Behind the Neck Push Press: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%, 3@75%
1) Snatch + Mid-Hang Snatch + High-Hang Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%+
2) 3 Overhead Squats + 2 Snatch Balance: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%+
3) Pause First Pulls: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@80%, 5@80%+
1) Clean + Mid-Hang Clean + High-Hang Clean: 3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@85%+
2) 3 Fronts Squats + 2 Jerks: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%+
3) Push Press: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@80%, 5@80%+
No Saturday morning classes this week due to the comp. Make sure you register by no later Thursday 26/05/2016!
Get a cheer squat together and roll the dice! It will be an awesome, fun filled weekend!
1) Hang Snatch: 3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@70%
2) Power Snatch: 3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@70%
3) Back Squat: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@70%
4) Snatch High-Pulls: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@70%
1) Snatch: 3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@80%, 3@80%
2) Back Squat: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
3) Sntch Balance: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
1) Clean and Jerk: 3@50%, 3@60%, 3@70%, 3@75%, 3@80%, 3@80%, 3@80%
2) Front Squat: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
3) Jerk Balance: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
1) Snatch + Hang Snatch + Snatch: 3@50%, 3@60%, 7@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%
2) Tempo Pause Snatch High Pull (5sec at knee, explode at hip): 3@50%, 3@60%, 7@70%, 3@75%, 3@75%
3) Pause Back Squat: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@70%, 5@70%
4) Behind the Neck Snatch Push Press: 5@50%, 5@60%, 5@70%, 5@70%, 5@70%
1RM Week!!
Snatch - 1RM
Build up guide: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@100%, 1@100%+
Back Squat - 1RM
Build up guide: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 2@90%, 2@100%, 1@100%+
1RM Week!!
Clean and Jerk - 1RM
Build up guide: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@100%, 1@100%+
Front Squat - 1RM
Build up guide: 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 2@90%, 2@100%, 1@100%+
1) High Hang Clean + Low Hang Clean + Jerk: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@75%, 1@75%
2) Jerk Balance: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@75%, 1@75%
3) Pause Front Squat (5sec in the hole): 5@50%, 3@70%, 2@75%, 2@75%, 2@75%
4) Clean Shrugs: 5@50%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
1) High Hang Snatch + Low Hang Snatch: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@75%, 1@75%
2) Snatch Balance: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 1@75%, 1@75%, 1@75%
3) Pause Back Squat (5sec in the hole): 5@50%, 3@70%, 2@75%, 2@75%, 2@75%
4) Snatch Shrugs: 5@50%, 5@70%, 5@75%, 5@75%, 5@75%
1) Snatch: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@95%, 1@95%, 1@95%
2) Snatch Balance: 2@50%, 2@60%, 2@70%, 2@80%, 2@85%, 1@90%, 1@95%, 1@95%, 1@95%, 1@95%
3) Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift (%'s of 1RM snatch): 5@50%, 3@70%, 3@80%, 3@90%, 2@95%, 2@95%, 2@95%