WOD: Wednesday 4/06/2014
Special opening times this week due to Adam and Eve being at the CrossFit gymnastics course in New Zealand:
Monday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Tuesday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Wednesday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Thursday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Friday: 0600 - 1000 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday and Monday Public Holiday
Normal classes resume Tuesday 10/06/2014
Alternate between the following:
1) Max effort unbroken Toes to Bar
2) 20sec Ring Support hold
AMRAP 15min
12 Box Jumps
11 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Push Press
9 Front Squats
Post max efforts and rounds completed to comments.
Special opening times this week due to Adam and Eve being at the CrossFit gymnastics course in New Zealand:
Monday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Tuesday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Wednesday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Thursday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Friday: 0600 - 1000 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday and Monday Public Holiday
Normal classes resume Tuesday 10/06/2014
Alternate between the following:
1) Max effort unbroken Toes to Bar
2) 20sec Ring Support hold
AMRAP 15min
12 Box Jumps
11 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Push Press
9 Front Squats
Post max efforts and rounds completed to comments.