WOD: Friday 30/05/2014
In Memory of a lovely lady Fionna who is being farewelled today - we ask that everyone who attends the Box today wears something colourful to celebrate her life!! She was a Nurse, Midwife, Wife, Mother and Friend to all she knew - may she RIP forever XOXOX
Kipping practice on bar and/or rings
2014 Regionals Individual Event 6
For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jump Overs (20''/24'')
50 Deadlifts (55kg/82.5kg)
50 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50 Deadlifts (55kg/82.5kg)
50 Box Jump Overs (20''/24'')
50 Calorie Row
21 minute time cap.
Post times to comments.
Kipping practice on bar and/or rings
2014 Regionals Individual Event 6
For time:
50 Calorie Row
50 Box Jump Overs (20''/24'')
50 Deadlifts (55kg/82.5kg)
50 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50 Ring Dips
50 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50 Deadlifts (55kg/82.5kg)
50 Box Jump Overs (20''/24'')
50 Calorie Row
21 minute time cap.
Post times to comments.