WOD: Tuesday 14/01/2014
Nutrition session
Whole 30 Challenge
Ring Support and Ring Dip tech
Complete 3 Sets for best efforts of the following:
With a 5min time cap complete:
3 Rounds of -
50 Double Unders
80m Shuttle Run (4 x 20m)
Rest 2mins
Post efforts to comments.
Nutrition session
- Date: 23/01/2014
- Time: 6:30pm sharp - lock it in.
- Register your attendance: Go to "this link" and click the RED time slot on this date to sign up.
Whole 30 Challenge
- Start date: 30/01/2014
- Time: 30 days
- MUST read the book "It Starts with Food" beforehand. See Adam and Eve at the box for copies/info.
Ring Support and Ring Dip tech
Complete 3 Sets for best efforts of the following:
With a 5min time cap complete:
3 Rounds of -
50 Double Unders
80m Shuttle Run (4 x 20m)
Rest 2mins
Post efforts to comments.
Workin' it.