WOD: Wednesday 4/12/2013
Advanced athletes:
5 x 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch (full) + Hang Snatch (knees)
Beginner athletes:
5 x 2 Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Aim to increase weight for each set.
3 Rounds for time:
50 Squats
30 Box Jumps (20''/24'')
20 Shoulder to Overhead (35kg/52.5kg)
Post weights and times to comments.
5 x 2 Snatch Pulls + Snatch (full) + Hang Snatch (knees)
Beginner athletes:
5 x 2 Snatch Pulls + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
Aim to increase weight for each set.
3 Rounds for time:
50 Squats
30 Box Jumps (20''/24'')
20 Shoulder to Overhead (35kg/52.5kg)
Post weights and times to comments.