WOD: Thursday 16/03/2017
**CrossFit Junior Teens @ 4.15pm**
Spend 5 Mins at each station:
Station 1 – Rope Climb Skill Practice (Don't forget your long socks/pants!!)
Station 2 – Handstand Walk Practice
(use this time to accumulate time inverted and perfect your ability to balance and move – utilize partners to help spot you and allow you to extend your time upside down)
Station 3 – Muscle-Up Skill Practice
(pick a progression to work on the aspect of your muscle-up that needs the most work)
For max reps:
3 Mins of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
3 Mins of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
3 Mins of Rowing (or Assault Bike)
3 Mins of Ring Dips
3 Mins of Burpees
Post reps completed to comments.