WOD: Friday 17/03/2017

IMPORTANT:  5.30pm Class today is the CrossFit Games Open Workout 17.4 - All those competing or wanting to participate must be there by 5.30pm (unless they have advised us otherwise) for the briefing.

Spectators - family & friends are encouraged to come along to cheer you on!
As we don't know what the workout is until Friday morning around 11.30 AM we are unsure how long it will take to get through the workout. Those wanting to participate for the WOD but don't want to sign up - just let us know that you will be joining in the fun on Friday.
If time is an issue for any one please let us know and we can get you going straight up or later if needed.
After you have done your workout don't forget to stick around & cheer on your fellow members - enjoy some post WOD nibbles & a sneaky beverage and enjoy the awesome atmosphere!
**Please remember also bring along some spare $$ to donate to Gracie Morgan & Kellie Morello who are shaving their heads Saturday for The Leukaemia Foundation!!**
If you cannot do your workout on Friday night please let us know and we can organise it for another day.
It is SO IMPORTANT to remember that the Open is about celebrating our awesome community, having a go and supporting each other to do the best we can. So let's go out and SMASH 17.4 - GO TEAM BLUE LAKE CROSSFIT!!

Push Press
7 - 7 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3


In teams of two, with only one partner working at a time, partners alternate whole rounds to complete…

AMRAP 10 mins:
10 Push Press (35kg/52.5kg)
5 Burpees Over the Barbell

Rest 5 mins, and then,

AMRAP 10 Mins:
Row 150m
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings (heavy)

Post weights and rounds completed to comments.

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