WOD: Thursday 23/07/2015
GYMNASTICS SESSION - 6pm @ Blue Lake Gymnastics Centre - Malseed Park - $10 per person - please pay to Eve before session.
No 5.30pm Class OR Mobility Class this evening
However - Open Gym from 4.30pm-7.30pm for those not attending the Gymnastics Session
In Partners Practice:
Syncronised - Burpees, Squats & Sit Ups/Hollow Rocks
In Partners - 2 Rnds for Max Reps
1 Min Max Sync Burpees
1 Min Max Sync Squats
1 Min Max Sit Ups/Hollow Rocks
1 Min Rest
5 rounds for time of:
20 Wall Balls
10 Deadlifts (70kg/100kg)
Post reps and times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
4 x 800m Run
Rest 3 Mins between efforts