WOD: Wednesday 17/06/2015

ALISHA'S FAREWELL BREAKFAST - Melzar's @ 7.30am today (After 6am Class) - Have a last workout and breakfast with Alisha before she heads off to the UK to live it up!!
There will be NO OPEN GYM between 7.30am-9am tomorrow morning. Classes are on as per normal.

1 RM Strict Press


12 Min AMRAP
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (20kg/30kg)
20 Slam Balls (30lb/50lb)
30 Double Unders
Every 2 Mins 7 Box Jumps (20"/24")
WOD starts with Box Jumps

Post weights and times to comments.

Endurance - Workout of the Week
For Time:
Run 2.4km
Then, 8 rounds of:
19 Pull-ups
19 Push-ups
19 Burpees
400m Sandbag Carry (heavy)
1.6km Farmers Carry with 20kg/15kg dumbbells

One STRONG Unit.... Wishing you all the best in your move to the UK Alisha!! We will miss you!!

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