WOD: Friday 8/05/2015

Endurance - Workout of the Week
Run: 100m repeats
Rest 1:30 - perform until form/pace deteriorates

Alternate between the following:
1) 5 x 3 Push Press
2) 5 x 10 Alternating Overhead Lunges


Complete the following:
Row 750m
Straight into 5 Rounds of:
12 Wall Balls
8 HR Push Ups
4 Hang Power Cleans (40kg/60kg)

Time Cap 11mins

Post weights, times and rounds to comments.

 A big Blue Lake CrossFit welcome to the world to Maddox Raymond Doidge born 7/5/2015. Massive Congratulations to Zach & Vic and all the best for the start of parenthood!!


A big Blue Lake CrossFit welcome to the world to Maddox Raymond Doidge born 7/5/2015. Massive Congratulations to Zach & Vic and all the best for the start of parenthood!!