WOD: Tuesday 14/04/2015
Bench Press
Push Ups (Or Earth Downs?)
Endurance - Workout of the Week
Get down to the Beach and get some sea swimming in!
1) Snatch: 5@50%, 5@60%, 3@70%, 3 x 3@80%
2) Clean and Jerk: 5@50%, 5@60%, 3@70%, 3 x 3@80%
Alternate between the following:
a) 5 x 3 Snatch Balance - heaviest possible
b) 5 x 3 Deadlifts - heaviest possible
For 20 Mins:
5 Back Squat
+ 90 Sec Max Double Unders
Each set of Back Squat add 5/10kg of weight - Start at a lighter weight
Post weights and rounds completed to comments.