WOD: Friday 17/04/2015
2 rounds for time of:
34 Push Ups
50m Sprint
34 Deadlifts (40kg/60kg)
50m Sprint
34 Box Jumps (20"/24")
50m Sprint
34 Clean and Jerks (30kg/42.5kg)
50m Sprint
34 Burpees
50m Sprint
34 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
50m Sprint
34 Pull Ups
50m Sprint
45 Min Cap.
Post times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
Get down to the Beach and get some sea swimming in!
Officer Michael "Freight" Crain, of Beaumont, California, died Feb. 7, 2013, when he was fatally injured by gunfire in an apparent ambush while on patrol. A former U.S. Marine Corps sergeant, the 34-year-old had been with the Riverside Police Department for 11 years, assigned to field operations and the SWAT Team. He is survived by his wife, Regina; son, Ian; and daughter, Kaitlyn.