WOD: Tuesday 31/03/2015
Gymnastics Skills:
Muscle Ups
Toes to Bar
Pull Ups
Handstand Push Ups
Iron Cross……
4 Sets - Each for time:
40m Prowler Drag (Medium)
15 Ball Slams
10 Box Jump Overs
Rest as needed between each set.
Post times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
For time:
Run 3.2km (3x800m)
Every 800m complete 50 Sit Ups - 50 Push Ups - 50 Squats
Barbell - Deload Week
1) Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch: 2@50%, 2@60%, 4@70%
2) Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean: 2@50%, 2@60%, 4@70%
Alternate between:
a) 5 x 8 Back Squat @ 50% - 60%
b) 5 x 5 Push Jerk @ 50% - 60%