WOD: Friday 20/11/2015
***FREE Come & Try CrossFit Session @ 9am SATURDAY -21/11/2015
Call/Text Eve to Book in - 0427345917***
Spend 15 Mins practicing Rope Climbs (Don't forget your LONG SOCKS OR PANTS!!)
In-between efforts
KB Side Crunches
7 Rounds for Time of:
7 Power Cleans (30kg/42.5kg)
7 Thrusters (30kg/42.5kg)
7 Bar-facing Burpees
20 Min Cap.
Post weights and times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
10 Rounds for time of:
200m Row
10 Burpees over Rower Slide
5 Squat Cleans (50kg/75kg)