WOD: Thursday 19/11/2015
Want to join Blue Lake CrossFit?? Our next Fundamentals Workshop is on tonight (Thursday) at 5.30pm. Cost is $100 - includes 2 hour Workshop + Welcome Pack AND 2 Weeks Unlimited Class Membership.
Bookings Essential - Call/Text Eve to secure your spot - 0427345917.
Spend 18 Mins building to a Heavy Snatch
1 Lift every 90 secs - Aim is to start light & warm up
Beginners: Power Snatch
Advanced: Squat Snatch
30 Snatch for Time (43kg/61kg)
Compare to last time here.
Post weights and times to comments.
Endurance - Workout of the Week
10 Rounds for time of:
200m Row
10 Burpees over Rower Slide
5 Squat Cleans (50kg/75kg)