WOD: Tuesday 17/11/2015

IMPORTANT: 9am Session TODAY ONLY is at the Mount Gambier Aquatic Centre on Margaret Street - Please bring $2 to cover session.

Pool WOD (9am)
Warm Up
50m with Kick board (No arms)
50m with Leg Buoy (No legs)
Spend some time practicing diving from deep end - edge or platform if experienced.

Complete 3 Rounds of:
Swim 100m (Any style)
25 Alternating Lunges

Rest as needed between rounds.

Box WOD (5.30pm)
Free Time Tuesday
Pick 1 Gymnastics/Bodyweight movement & Either Back Squat OR Front Squat OR Overhead Squat
Alternate between both working on tech - rep scheme 3-5 reps of each.
(20 Mins)

In Partners
Whilst one holds at the top of a Deadlift (Choose a weight that is safe for both) the other completes as many Box Jumps as possible (each time the bar is put down you must change)
1 Min Rest
Whilst one holds a plank the other completes as many Toes to Bar as possible.

Post weights and reps completed to comments.

1) 3 x Cleans: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%
2) 3 x Split Jerks (from racks):
50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%
3) 5 x Halting Deadlift + Clean Pull + Clean High Pull: 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, 80%, 85%

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