WOD: Tuesday 27/10/2015
Active Community Cup - 3rd Week TODAY - Tuesday 27/10/15
Those that have registered but have not yet paid - please do so ASAP!!
Check out the website & details HERE - if you don't want to do it by yourself grab one of your team mates!!
Front Squat 3 RM
4 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
15 Pull Ups
15 Min Time Cap.
Post weights and times to comments.
3 x 1000m Row
Rest 3mins in between sets
A big 1RM week is over and we're launching head long into our 13 week cycle. Stay committed, stay strong!
Percentages based on 1RM weights.
1) 3 x Snatch: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75% - no heavier
2) 3 x Snatch Balance: 50%, 60%, 70%, 75%, 75% - no heavier
3) 5 x Back Squat: 50%, 60%, 70%, 70%, 70% - no heavier
4) 5 x Good Mornings (% of Power Clean): 50%, 60%, 70%, 70%, 70% - no heavier
Rudes and Nat repping BLCF in Italy at CrossFit Villa Albani.