WOD: Wednesday 21/10/2015

Bar MU Tech
Beginners: C2B Pull Ups/Close-hand Push Ups/Strict Pull Ups
Intermediate: C2B Pull Ups/Belly to Bar Pull Ups/Assisted Bar MU's
Advanced: 2 PU + 2 C2B PU + Bar MU / 3-5 Bar MU


With a continuously running clock complete 5 sets of the following:
2 Mins to complete:
2 Bar Muscle Up's
15 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
AMRAP Push Press (30kg/40kg) in remaining time
No rest in between sets
Scaling for Bar MU = 2 C2B Pull Ups

Post reps completed to comments.

2 Rounds for time:
Run 1,000m
25 Power Snatch (30kg/40kg)
50 Weighted Lunges (30kg/40kg)
Row 1,000m

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