Every 8 mins, for 32 mins (4 sets) for times:
200m Run
15 Thrusters (30/42.5 kgs)
30 Double-Unders
15 Toes to Bar
200m Run
Note times for each set, and then add all four times to get a total time. Your goal will be lowest total working time for the four sets. (Example, 4:35, 4:42, 4:58, 5:05 = 19:20)
“Invictus Friday Challenge – 1.25.19”
For time:
100 Double-Unders
How fast can you accomplish 100 double-unders? These do not need to be unbroken. The only rules are that athletes need to jump off of two feet, and the rope must pass under the athletes’ feet two times each jump. It’s simple, and a skill that many athletes have…the question is, how quickly can you spin the rope and knock out 100 reps?