WOD: Wednesday 23/1/2019

Every 2 mins, for 18 mins (3 sets each) of:
Station 1 – 4-8 Ring Muscle-Ups (RIng transition drills/Ring Dips etc for scaling)
Station 2 – 10-20m Handstand Walk or Handstand Practice
(use a partner assist to accumulate the volume and time under tension if you’re still learning hand balancing)
Station 3 – L-Sit x 1 Min
(accumulate the time if you’re unable to maintain this position unbroken)


Two sets for times of:
25/30 Cals of Assault Bike
20 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/30″)
Rest 6 mins
You have a long rest period for this workout, but the expectation is that it will be a 100% effort sprint when
you’re working.

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