
Eve Maywald 

Education and Qualifications

CrossFit Level 1 Certificate September 2011
Certificate 3 in Fitness February 2013
Club Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach 1 Licence April 2013
CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer's Certificate June 2014
Bachelor of Nursing 2004
Certificate of Stomal Therapy 2008
Advanced Life Support 2007 - 2013

Background (Nursing)

Royal Adelaide Hospital (Graduate Year) 2005-2006
Mt Gambier and Districts Health Service Inc (Surgical Ward/High Dependency) 2006 – 2010
Royal Hobart Hospital (Neurosurgical Unit) 2010 – 2011
Mt Gambier and Districts Health Service Inc - Current
South East Regional Community Health Service - Current

CrossFit enthusiast since January 2011

“I love CrossFit – it is my sport. It has shown me a whole new way of living, a daily challenge that I love and hate because it forces me to constantly strive to improve myself. I have found things in CrossFit that I am great at and things that I can’t do at all.

All the technical fitness stuff aside – for me the results speak for themselves…. I am in the best shape of my life – physically and mentally. I can train with my friends, my husband and my family and best of all - I don’t get bored. I love it most of all because the only person I am competing against ultimately is myself.”

Adam Maywald

Education and Qualifications

CrossFit Level 1 Certificate September 2011
Certificate 3 in Fitness February 2013
Club Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach 1 Licence April 2013
CrossFit Gymnastics Trainer's Certificate June 2014
Senior First Aid Certificate 2012
Bachelor of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Hons) 2007

Background (Engineering)

Civil and Environmental Engineering / Project Engineer Maunsell Australia: November 2007 – February 2008
Gambier Earth Movers: March 2008 – February 2011
JMG Engineers & Planners: March 2011 – October 2011
Gambier Earth Movers: November 2011 - Current

CrossFit devotee since March 2011

“CrossFit literally changed the perspective of my life – I know that sounds like a bad lifestyle show line but it’s true. The constant variance and infinite combinations that each day’s WOD brings offers me mental and physical battles that I cannot simulate anywhere else. I love the challenge – CrossFit has made me harder, faster, stronger and fitter than I’ve ever been in my life, and more able to tackle whatever is thrown at me. It has revealed my strengths, exposed my weaknesses but constantly dares me to do better next time.”