
Our fees may not be as cheap as your 'regular' gym or fitness provider, but chances are you’re coming to do CrossFit because you’re not getting your money’s worth elsewhere. You pay us for focused, personalised fitness training that gets results because we actually CARE about your journey to a better and healthier life. We know, because we have been there ourselves.

You won’t have to sit down with a “membership consultant" to assess how fit you are to train. Anyone, and we mean ANYONE can get stuck into CrossFit. All moves and workouts are scalable to your ability which will allow you to start your journey of forging your own elite fitness.

Blue Lake CrossFit Pricing Structure

·         Weekly Rate - $32 per person

·        Discounted Weekly Rate (20% off) - $25.60 - Military, Police, Medical, Emergency Services, Apprentices, Students, Concession, Multiple Family Members.

Drop In Rate

·    For Visiting CrossFitter’s Only - $15

One on One Training/Private Group Sessions

Talk to Eve for more information - 0427345917

How do I Pay?

Fortnightly Direct Debit: This is an automatic direct debit from your nominated bank account/credit card on a billing cycle every second Friday. Memberships are on a month by month basis - you are able to cancel/hold your membership if required.
See attached Waiver/Agreement for more information - click here.