WOD: Tuesday 18/11/2014
Splits Progressions - Flexibility & Mobility
Front Squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3
For Time:
9 - 15 - 21 Reps of
Split Jumps
Hollow Rocks
Post weights and times to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Tech / Barbell Gymnastics:
2 x 3-Stage Snatch - 12mins for heaviest possible
1 x 3-Stage Clean and Jerk - 12mins for heaviest possible
Strength - Alternate between:
a) 5 x 4 Pause Back Squat - 3sec pause at absolute bottom
b) 5 x 5 Pause Ring Dips - 3sec pause at absolute bottom
Front Squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3
For Time:
9 - 15 - 21 Reps of
Split Jumps
Hollow Rocks
Post weights and times to comments.
Blue Lake Barbell
Tech / Barbell Gymnastics:
2 x 3-Stage Snatch - 12mins for heaviest possible
1 x 3-Stage Clean and Jerk - 12mins for heaviest possible
Strength - Alternate between:
a) 5 x 4 Pause Back Squat - 3sec pause at absolute bottom
b) 5 x 5 Pause Ring Dips - 3sec pause at absolute bottom