WOD: Wednesday 3/09/2014

Welcome to the New Timetable!!
New to Wednesday's:
Open Gym - 7-9am & 4.30-5.30pm
CrossFit Endurance Class - 10am
Mobility Class - 6.30pm
Fundamentals Class - 6.30pm (Bookings Essential)

Alternating Minutes for 12 Mins
Min 1 - Pistols - Small No. for tech
Min 2 - Banded Muscle up Transitions


1 minute of Power Snatches (40kg/60kg)
1 minute of Sit Ups
2 minutes of Power Snatches (40kg/60kg)
2 minutes of Sit Ups
3 minutes of Power Snatches (40kg/60kg)
3 minutes of Sit Ups

Post reps to comments.