WOD: Monday 2/06/2014
Special opening times this week due to Adam and Eve being at the CrossFit gymnastics course in New Zealand:
Monday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Tuesday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Wednesday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Thursday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Friday: 0600 - 1000 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday and Monday Public Holiday
Normal classes resume Tuesday 10/06/2014
Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2
Build to at least 2 sets at 80-85% at 1RM.
3 Rounds for time:
8 Clean and Jerk + 2 Overhead Alternating Lunges
16 Pull Ups
24 Double Unders
Post weights and times to comments.
Special opening times this week due to Adam and Eve being at the CrossFit gymnastics course in New Zealand:
Monday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Tuesday: 0600, 0900, 1730, 1830
Wednesday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Thursday: 1730 - 1900 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
Friday: 0600 - 1000 Open Gym - WOD Programmed
CLOSED: Saturday, Sunday and Monday Public Holiday
Normal classes resume Tuesday 10/06/2014
Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2
Build to at least 2 sets at 80-85% at 1RM.
3 Rounds for time:
8 Clean and Jerk + 2 Overhead Alternating Lunges
16 Pull Ups
24 Double Unders
Post weights and times to comments.