WOD: Tuesday 6/05/2014
In partners complete a total of 300 Doubles Unders (500 for advanced athletes) for time.
On even minutes complete 4 Tyre Flips.
On odd minutes complete 3 Front Squats.
Athletes cannot continue accumulating Double Unders until the Tyre Flips or Front Squats are completed.
Only one person working at a time. Divide up the work as you see fit.
3 Rounds of Partner 3x50m Sprints (2x25m).
One partner completes 3x50m sprints then the other partner completes 3x50m sprints.
Complete 3 rounds for total time.
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On even minutes complete 4 Tyre Flips.
On odd minutes complete 3 Front Squats.
Athletes cannot continue accumulating Double Unders until the Tyre Flips or Front Squats are completed.
Only one person working at a time. Divide up the work as you see fit.
3 Rounds of Partner 3x50m Sprints (2x25m).
One partner completes 3x50m sprints then the other partner completes 3x50m sprints.
Complete 3 rounds for total time.
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