WOD: Monday 5/05/2014
Part A
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3 (12min time limit)
Part B
1500m row for time
Part C
9min AMRAP
Ascending Ladder of the following sequence:
1 Clean and Jerk
1 Toes to Bar
2 Clean and Jerk
2 Toes to Bar
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Toes to Bar
4 Clean and Jerk
4 Toes to Bar
Post weights, times and reps to comments.
Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3 (12min time limit)
Part B
1500m row for time
Part C
9min AMRAP
Ascending Ladder of the following sequence:
1 Clean and Jerk
1 Toes to Bar
2 Clean and Jerk
2 Toes to Bar
3 Clean and Jerk
3 Toes to Bar
4 Clean and Jerk
4 Toes to Bar
Post weights, times and reps to comments.