WOD: Wednesday 5/03/2014
IMPORTANT: Andy & Meg's Dress Up Pre-Wedding WOD @ 1830 session tonight!! Wear something wedding themed and join in the fun!!
In Mixed Pairs (or Pairs):
Fit Wars 8 - Team Event 1 (14min cap)
Rest 5 Mins
Fit Wars 8 - Team Event 2 (10 Mins)
Each team member will have 5 x 1 Min rounds to establish a snatch single
Partners will alternate minutes for a total of 10 mins
Workout is scored on the combined weight of each athletes 5 heaviest singles
Post times & weights to comments.
In Mixed Pairs (or Pairs):
Fit Wars 8 - Team Event 1 (14min cap)
2 Rounds for Time of:
15 Weighted Burpees (15kg/20kg)
15 Deadlifts (70kg/100kg)
15 Box Jumps (20"/24")
15 PullupsRest 5 Mins
Fit Wars 8 - Team Event 2 (10 Mins)
Each team member will have 5 x 1 Min rounds to establish a snatch single
Partners will alternate minutes for a total of 10 mins
Workout is scored on the combined weight of each athletes 5 heaviest singles
Post times & weights to comments.