WOD: Saturday 15/02/2014

Remember breakfast @ 9.30am post WOD at Cafe Melzar!

In teams of 3
Buy in: 600m plate carry (20/15) – completed together as a team 
Then, each person to complete 2 rounds of:  
50 double unders (3:1 singles)
40 push press (20kg/30kg)
30 box jumps (20"/24")
20 deadlifts (40kg/60kg)
5 wall climbs
Buy out: All team members standing on 20/15kg plate at once for 45sec

WOD goes like this – As soon as all members finish plate carry, 1st person starts double unders, next person cannot start until person in front finishes. i.e. Team member A finishes 50 doubles, team member B can then start doubles, team member C cannot start doubles until team member B has finished. Same for all movements.

Massive Credit to Russ & Vic Jarvis @ Hilltop CrossFit for the WOD today!

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