WOD: Monday 3/02/2014
Gymnastics Skills:
Pull Ups & Toes to Bar
For Time:
Buy in -
Row 500m
2 Rounds of:
20 Weighted Burpees (5kg/10kg)
10 Deadlifts (60kg/80kg)
Buy out:
Run 400m
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Pull Ups & Toes to Bar
For Time:
Buy in -
Row 500m
2 Rounds of:
20 Weighted Burpees (5kg/10kg)
10 Deadlifts (60kg/80kg)
Buy out:
Run 400m
Post times to comments.
Blue Lake CrossFit when it first opened 2012.
Sometimes we all get so caught up in what we AREN'T achieving to realise how far we have come. Everybody's journey is different. You cannot compare yourself to others as you haven't walked in their shoes and they haven't walked in yours. Stay positive & focused. Choose realistic goals and when you reach them keep going!