WOD: Monday 10/02/2014
There is no 0600 or 0900 class today. 1730 and 1830 classes as per usual.
To make up for this, there will be special one off 0600 and 0900 classes tomorrow (Tuesday 11/02/2014)
Alternate between the following:
4 x 5 Front Squats @ 80-90% of you max Clean
4 x 5 Max Effort strict pull ups
"Fit Wars 8 Open Individual Workout 2"
3 Rounds for Time - 8min time cap
30 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
21 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 mins
4mins for Max Effort
Dumbbell Push Press (15kg/20kg)
There is no 0600 or 0900 class today. 1730 and 1830 classes as per usual.
To make up for this, there will be special one off 0600 and 0900 classes tomorrow (Tuesday 11/02/2014)
Alternate between the following:
4 x 5 Front Squats @ 80-90% of you max Clean
4 x 5 Max Effort strict pull ups
"Fit Wars 8 Open Individual Workout 2"
3 Rounds for Time - 8min time cap
30 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)
21 Toes to Bar
Rest 2 mins
4mins for Max Effort
Dumbbell Push Press (15kg/20kg)
Fit Wars 8 conquered.