WOD: Wednesday 18/12/2013
from the 22nd of Dec until the 5th of Jan. At home WODs will be posted
for those unable to cope without their CrossFit fix. Buy a skipping rope
- practice your double unders or work on your overhead squat with a
broomstick. Work on your mobility. Go to the beach - swim, run, play
with the kids or the dogs. Above all - have a holiday - because you
deserve it!!
Part A
1 x 400m Run, 1 x 800m Run
Part B
5 x 3 Push Press (Heaviest Possible)
Part C
For time - Opposing Ladder of:
Deadlifts (70kg/100kg)
Bar-facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts - 1 BF-Burpee
9 Deadlifts - 2 BF-Burpees
8 Deadlifts - 3 BF-Burpees
7 Deadlifts - 4 BF-Burpees
2 Deadlifts - 9 BF-Burpees
1 Deadlift - 10 BF-Burpees
Post weights and times to comments.
Part A
1 x 400m Run, 1 x 800m Run
Part B
5 x 3 Push Press (Heaviest Possible)
Part C
For time - Opposing Ladder of:
Deadlifts (70kg/100kg)
Bar-facing Burpees
10 Deadlifts - 1 BF-Burpee
9 Deadlifts - 2 BF-Burpees
8 Deadlifts - 3 BF-Burpees
7 Deadlifts - 4 BF-Burpees
2 Deadlifts - 9 BF-Burpees
1 Deadlift - 10 BF-Burpees
Post weights and times to comments.
Exhausted from all the Christmas stress/shopping? Smash out a WOD instead - or at least work out some frustrations!!