WOD: Wednesday 20/11/2013
Spend 15 mins working on Handstands & HSPU Progressions
For example:
Handstands - 3 x 8
Negatives - 3 x 5
HSPU - 3 x 5
DO NOT CHERRY PICK! If you can't do a handstand then this is your chance to practice and work on your weaknesses!
5 Rounds for Time:
8 Front Squats (40kg/60kg)
12 Pull Ups
16 Box Jumps (20"/24")
Post progressions and times to comments.
For example:
Handstands - 3 x 8
Negatives - 3 x 5
HSPU - 3 x 5
DO NOT CHERRY PICK! If you can't do a handstand then this is your chance to practice and work on your weaknesses!
5 Rounds for Time:
8 Front Squats (40kg/60kg)
12 Pull Ups
16 Box Jumps (20"/24")
Post progressions and times to comments.