WOD: Tuesday 24/09/2013
Weighted Pull-up - 5 rep max
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up - 3 rep max
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up - 1 rep max
(Scaling is Bodyweight Pull ups with bands for assistance)
In 8 Mins Complete as much of the following rep scheme as possible:
1 Pull up
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
2 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
3 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
4 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24") etc...
Score is reps completed.
Post weights and reps to comments.
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up - 3 rep max
Rest 5 minutes
Weighted Pull-up - 1 rep max
(Scaling is Bodyweight Pull ups with bands for assistance)
In 8 Mins Complete as much of the following rep scheme as possible:
1 Pull up
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
2 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
3 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24")
4 Pull ups
10 Box Jumps (20"/24") etc...
Score is reps completed.
Post weights and reps to comments.
A massive congratulations to B.Rizzle (A.K.A Bianca) & Toby on the safe arrival of the gorgeous little "Ana Joy Richardson." Born on 18/09/13. 8 Pounds 7 Ounces. New CrossFitter/Triathlete in the making!