WOD: Saturday 27/07/2013
DON'T FORGET: Hero WOD & Breakfast today!! BYO food - hot drinks & BBQ supplied. Lets start the weekend off with a bang!!
2 Rounds for time:
200 Double Unders
50 Overhead Squats (40kg/60kg)
50 Pull Ups
Run 1 mile (1.6km)
It is an epic WOD so - scaling:
2 Rounds for time:
100 Double Unders (or 300 Single Skips)
25 Overhead Squats
25 Pull Ups
Run 800m
Compare to last time here.
Post times to comments.
2 Rounds for time:
200 Double Unders
50 Overhead Squats (40kg/60kg)
50 Pull Ups
Run 1 mile (1.6km)
It is an epic WOD so - scaling:
2 Rounds for time:
100 Double Unders (or 300 Single Skips)
25 Overhead Squats
25 Pull Ups
Run 800m
Compare to last time here.
Post times to comments.
Huge Congratulations to Amanda Allen for winning the Women's Masters Category 40-44 at the CrossFit Games!!