WOD: Friday 26/07/2013

DON'T FORGET.... Hero WOD + Breakfast this Saturday - BYO food - hot drinks & BBQ supplied. (Note - don't bring too much food, we end up with too many leftovers!!)

For time:

20 Front squat (70kg/92.5kg)
30 Box jumps (24"/30")
40 Kettlebell swings (16kg/24kg)
50 Wall Balls (6kg/10kg)

Post times to comments.

CrossFit Games Individual Event 1
10 Rounds for time:
Swim 25 yards
3 Bar Muscle ups
Swim 25 yards

1st - Jordan Troyan (10.06)
2nd - Ben Smith (10.28)
3rd - Josh Bridges (10.59)

1st - Michelle Letendre (13.19)
2nd - Kara Webb (13.55)
3rd - Rory Zambard (14.06)