WOD: Saturday 13/07/2013 - Winter Comp Day!

Blue Lake CrossFit Winter Comp Day! 

Get into the box from 9:00am to watch the athletes in the Open and Scaled divisions battle it out for fame, the glory and the pure thrill of it.

Athletes meet at Blue Lake CrossFit @ 9am sharp - Athlete briefing and weigh in before Event 1
Event 1 commencing @ 9.30am
Event 2 - 11.30am (approx)
Event 3 - 1.30pm (approx)
Event 4 - 3.30pm (approx)
Times may vary during the day so ensure you check after each event
Weightlifting Competition - Snatch & Clean & Jerk.
All athletes will be weighed before event starts (Scoring will be on the Sinclair system) - weights can be kept confidential if requested. They will then nominate their starting weight for both the Snatch and the Clean & Jerk. Each athlete has 3 lifts of the Snatch - the lightest weight nominated will start first and attempted by all who nominated that weight and then moving up in weight order from there. So you must be prepared for the scenario that you may have to do your three lifts in quick succession or very spaced out! It will be explained on the day but it is the same as any weightlifting competition.
Each athlete then has 3 attempts at Clean & Jerk. The obvious aim is to get your best lift possible. There will be weights set up in the other room for you to warm up and practice - but this will be up to you!
Winner will be by the Sinclair scoring system for weightlifting. 

25 Wall Balls (Open 6kg/10kg-Scaled 3kg/6kg)
50 Double Unders (Scaled-3 x Single Skips)
For Time:
Row 1000m
50 Thrusters (Open-15kg/20kg-Scaled-8kg/15kg)
30 Pull ups (Scaled-Band or Jump) 
CrossFit Open Workout 13.2
AMRAP 10 Mins
5 Shoulder to Overhead (Open-35kg/52.5kg-Scaled-25kg/40kg)
10 Deadlifts (Open-35kg/52.5kg-Scaled-25kg/40kg)
Overall scoring for the day will be 1st place in each event gets a score of 1, 2nd place 2 etc etc... therefore the person with the least points at the end of the day is the winner!
Bring your family and friends to cheer you on! BYO food and drinks. Fridge and BBQ available.
  To view the results of today please check out this "link"