WOD: Monday 8/07/2013
REMINDER: If you're considering entering the Blue Lake CrossFit Winter Competition this Saturday 13/07/2013 it's not too late to enter. Jump on the website, click the timetable tab, click the big red tab on the calendar for the event and register in the Open or Scaled categories. Simple as that. $10 entry fee (currently only 2 people in the scaled category, need more people!). Fun filled day, prizes, good times. Get your family and friends organised to come and watch and cheer you on.
Click "here to go to the timetable" and register. Come and test your strength, conditioning and technique - you know you want to.
11min AMRAP
Run 200m
10 Squats
7 Jerks (40kg/60kg)
Post weights and rounds to comments.
Click "here to go to the timetable" and register. Come and test your strength, conditioning and technique - you know you want to.
Spend 20 mins building up to a heavy clean and jerk (any style).
11min AMRAP
Run 200m
10 Squats
7 Jerks (40kg/60kg)
Post weights and rounds to comments.
The Unit in action.