WOD: Monday 3/12/2012

5 Rounds for time:

20 Overhead Squats   (30kg/40kg)
30 Kettlebell Swings   (16kg/24kg)
20 Box Jumps   (20"/24")

Post times to comments.

Post Blue Lake Fun Run joy!!
Adam Maywald - 48.31
Shelley Cornolo - 51.09
Dan Forrest - 53.01
Megan Phillips - 54.30
Andrew Crouch - 55.53
Eve Maywald - 57.48
Bianca Richardson (AKA - the Fairy!) - 1.02 .24
(If I have missed anyone - feel free to post your time to comments!!)

Congratulations to all those that ran the Fun Run on Sunday - some awesome times all round!!