WOD: Saturday 19/05/2012
10 Rounds for time of:
10 Handstands
10 Overhead Squats with a broomstick
10 Burpees
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Men's Event 2 at CrossFit Games Australia/New Zealand Regionals - For time: 2000m Row, 50 alternating pistols, 30 Hang Clean at 102.5kg!!
Happy 2nd Birthday today to our gorgeous niece Sienna - Sorry we won't be at your party but we hope you have a great time XOXOX
10 Handstands
10 Overhead Squats with a broomstick
10 Burpees
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Men's Event 2 at CrossFit Games Australia/New Zealand Regionals - For time: 2000m Row, 50 alternating pistols, 30 Hang Clean at 102.5kg!!
Happy 2nd Birthday today to our gorgeous niece Sienna - Sorry we won't be at your party but we hope you have a great time XOXOX