WOD: Monday 04/11/2019

**Senior Teens Cross Fit @4:15pm **


10-15 mins on skill work of your choice. Pick 2-3 things to work on from any modality and rotate through your chosen stations, spending a min or two at each one. Repeat for 2-3 sets. Modalities include Olympic lifting, gymnastics, double-unders, or accessory work for any special goal you have.

Followed by-

For time:

50/35 Calories of Assault Bike

400m Run

40 Deadlifts (55kg/85kg)

400m Run

30 Power Snatches (30kg/42.5kg)

400m Run

20 Thrusters (30kg/42.5kg)

400m Run

10 Bar Muscle-Ups

Post those results in t the comments

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