Sunday- Rest Day @BlueLake CrossFit
Sunday is fun day in the kitchen… I’m seriously in LOVE with Anna Jones and her cook book at the moment…
Here’s another great recipe to try from her vegetarian book “ A modern way to cook”
Kale, tomato and lemon zest one pot pasta
Serves 4
400g spaghetti or linguine
400g cherry tomatoes
the zest of 2 large unwaxed lemons
100ml olive oil
2 heaped teaspoons sea salt (if you are using fine-grain table salt, add a bit less)
1 x 400g bag of kale or spinach
Parmesan cheese (I use a vegetarian one) (optional)
Fill and boil a kettle and get all your ingredients and equipment together. You need a large shallow pan with a lid.
Put the pasta into the pan. Quickly and roughly chop the tomatoes in half and throw them into the pan. Grate in the zest of both of the lemons and add the oil and salt. Add 1 litre of boiling water, put a lid on the pan and bring to the boil, then remove the lid and simmer on a high heat for 6 minutes, using a pair of tongs to turn the pasta every 30 seconds or so as it cooks.
Meanwhile, remove any tough stalks from the kale and shred the leaves. Once the pasta has had 6 minutes, add the shredded kale and continue to cook for a further 2 minutes.
Once almost all the water has evaporated, take the pan off the heat and divide between four bowls. If you like, top with a little Parmesan.
Image: Matt Russell