WOD: Thursday 10/10/2019
Four sets of:
Front Squat x 2 reps @ 90%
Rest 15 seconds
Front Squat x 4 reps @ 80%
For time:
50 Cal Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans (35kg/52.5kg)
20 Front Squats (35kg/52.5kg)
10 Bar Muscle-Ups (or 20 Strict Pull-Ups)
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Rest 2-3 mins
Followed by-
For time:
50 Cal Row
40 Toes to Bar
30 Power Cleans (35kg/52.5kg)
20 Front Squats (35kg/52.5kg)
10 Bar Muscle-Ups (or 20 Strict Pull-Ups)