WOD: Thursday 13/04/2017
**EASTER LONG WEEKEND - Opening Hours**
Good Friday 14th April - CLOSED
Easter Saturday 15th April - 8am - Open Gym
- 9am - CrossFit Easter WOD
- 10am - Easter Egg Hunt + Barbell
Easter Sunday 16th - CLOSED
Easter Monday 17th - CLOSED
**CrossFit Junior Teens @ 4.15pm**
**Don't forget Teens & Kids classes continue on the same days and times throughout school holidays - just closed for the Public Holidays!**
Spend 20 Mins building to a 1RM Deadlift.
Be safe & sensible - if you are not feeling it today work your tech and 1RM another day.
3 Rounds for time:
10 Power Cleans (42.5kg/60kg)
10 Wall Balls (8kg/12kg)
50 Double Unders
Post weights and times to comments.