WOD: Tuesday 30/08/2016

**CrossFit Junior Teens @ 4.15pm**

Three sets of:
Front-Racked Alternating Lunges x 20 reps
Rest 1 Min
Turkish Get-Ups x 2-3 reps each arm
Rest 1 Min
Plank x 60-90 seconds
Rest 1 Min


AMRAP 5 mins of:
Dumbbell Weighted Burpees x 3 reps
Alternating Dumbbell Rows from the Plank x 5 reps (each arm)
Dumbbell Thrusters x 7 reps

Rest 2 mins and then repeat.

Post weights and reps completed to comments.

Set Up - Starts with your heels under your hips, full standing position Execution - Kick your feet back and assume the bottom position of a push up with your hands gripping the dumbbells - Push up out of the bottom position and bring your feet back under your hips and jump up with the dumbbells still in your hands
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