WOD: Tuesday 5/07/2016
***IMPORTANT NOTICE (loud noises)***
This Saturday 9/07/2016 will be Open Gym from 8am-10am ONLY due to Adam and Eve being away in Sydney for Eve's CF Level 2.
There will be no Barbell class, however the Barbell workout will still be posted for you to do during Open Gym if you want.
Apologies for any inconvenience.
**CrossFit Junior Teens @ 4.15pm**
Complete 12 sets of:
Power Clean + Split Jerk
Rest 1-2 Mins between lifts.
Build over the course of the 12 sets.
Every 5 mins, for 15 mins (3 sets):
15 Pull-Ups
30 Push-Ups
45 Air Squats
Complete each set as quickly as possible and note times for each.
Post weights and times to comments.