ANZAC DAY - Monday 25/04/2016
ANZAC DAY - Head down to the Dawn Service tomorrow AM and remember all that have fallen in the protection of our great country.
BOX OPEN 9am - 11am
HERO WOD @ 9am - No other classes on today.
17 Min AMRAP
21 Lateral Bar Burpees
16 Box Jumps or Step Ups (20"/24")
8 Front Rack Forward Lunges (40kg/60kg)
3 Ground to Overhead (40kg/60kg)
Post rounds completed to comments.
Corporal Mathew Hopkins
Paid the Ultimate Price for his Country on 16 March 2009.
Hoppy was killed while conducting a patrol near Kakarak when he and his team were engaged by a group of around 20 Taliban. He was evacuated by a Coalition helicopter to the nearby medical facility in Tarin Kowt as soon as the security situation allowed. Despite all efforts, he died shortly after arriving at the hospital.