WOD: Monday 21/11/2016

**CrossFit Kids @ 4.30pm**

Every 3 Mins, for 15 Mins (5 sets):
Push Press x 3-5 reps

Goal is to find today’s 5-RM. If you get 5 successful reps, move up on the next set.


EMOM for 15 Mins:
Min 1 – Row 150m/200m or 10/15 Cals of Assault Bike
Min 2 – Handstand Push-Ups x 10 reps
Min 3 – Double-Unders x 40 reps

Post weights to comments.

Blue Lake CrossFitter's using their fitness.... Well done to Huw, Rudy, Nat, Hayley & Jacob for conquering Tough Mudder over the weekend!!

Blue Lake CrossFitter's using their fitness.... Well done to Huw, Rudy, Nat, Hayley & Jacob for conquering Tough Mudder over the weekend!!

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