WOD: Wednesday 16/11/2016

Complete 3 Sets of:
3-5 Muscle Ups OR C2B Pull Ups OR Pull Ups
Rest 1 Min
L-Sit Hold - 30 Secs (Accumulated Time)
Rest 1 Min

Choose what you need to work on - If you are using bands for pull ups - work pull ups - if you can do unassisted pull ups but need a band for C2B - work C2B... etc.


Every 5 mins, for 25 mins (5 sets), AMRAP in 3 mins of:
5 Burpee Toes to Bar
(perform a burpee, immediately followed by a toes to bar)
Run 400m
Max Reps of Bar Muscle-Ups – or – C2B Pull-Ups – or – Pull-Ups
Rest 2 mins, and repeat when the clock strikes the next five-minute interval for a total of five sets.

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