WOD: Thursday 28/01/2016
*Session 2 for Swim Training Group tonight @ 5.30pm - Mt Gambier Aquatic Centre on Margaret St*
*FUNDAMENTALS WORKSHOP - Tonight @ 5.30pm - Compulsory for all New Members - Bookings Essential - P: 0427345917 or E: adamandeve@bluelakecrossfit.com.au *
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 5-6 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2 Mins between sets.
Against a 2-Min running clock, complete:
250m Row
Ring Dips x Max Reps
Rest 2 Mins between sets and complete four sets total.
Post weights and reps completed to comments.